Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A "Probe"-trotter He is Not


Let’s pretend for a moment you are an appliance salesman who knows A LOT about all the brands of ranges and ovens.  You know almost everything about their great features and benefits.  You also have a terrific range at home that has lots of these features.  Now, let’s keep pretending it’s the holidays and you are cooking for your family.

Wouldn't you use these great features?  Wouldn't you show off to your family all that you know about your appliance?  Wouldn't you cook the best meal possible for your family?  Well, if your name is Bill and you are the Assistant General Manager of Holloways the answer would be NO! 

This may sound crazy but it is TRUE.  Bill has a great oven at home with a temperature probe, but when he and his family cooked a turkey on Thanksgiving Day AND a prime rib on Christmas Day they didn't even think to use it.  We here at the store think this is CRAZY!  So, mostly this blog post is for Bill and his family…


Step 1: Insert probe into oven as shown in the picture.
Step 2: Insert other end of probe into meat.
Step 3: Set the meat probe to the desired internal temperature on your oven controls.
Step 4: Drink a beer, because your work here is done! 

I admit, not all appliances features are intuitive but it doesn't get much easier than this.

 Bill after his temperature probe tutorial


Q: What happens when the meat reaches its set temperature?

A: Depending on the brand, your oven will either turn off when it has reached its correct temperature or it will buzz to let you know it has reached temperature.  You will need to look it up in the use and care manual to see which your appliance does.

Q: What temperature do I set the temperature probe?

A: I usually just look it up on the internet…but if you want to be super-duper safe, you can follow the FDA guidelines found here: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/UCM260394.pdf

Q: Does using a probe make a roast better?

A: I believe it does.  There is no guess work allowing the food to get done at exactly the right time and temperature.

Q:  What is the best place to insert a probe in a chicken or turkey?

A: You want to place the temperature probe into the thickest part of the meat.  Insert the probe in the fleshiest part of the thigh where it attaches to the drumstick, but do not let it touch the bone. 

Q: Can I still baste with the probe in?

A: Absolutely!  If you open the oven to baste your turkey, the thermometer will continue to read the internal temperature of the bird.  There is no need to reset the temperature if you need to open the oven door.

Q: Should I use the probe in my casseroles?

A: You betcha…but make sure the probe is only in the item of food.  You do not want the probe touching the bottom or side of the pan.  It will be up to you to figure out the internal temperature of the food you are trying to cook. 

Have any other questions?  Shoot me an email at laurie@holloways.com.  I’d love to answer any others so you can be the best chef you can be!


Holloways Appliance Center serves all of Connecticut including Avon, Canton, West Hartford, Glastonbury, Farmington, Windsor and western Massachusetts.

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